K-12 Cyber Awareness Month reaches across Ontario

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ECNO is proud to have led a successful K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign (October 1st-31st, 2021) in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Education.

For the second year in a row, ECNO was able to educate faculty, students, and their families of the importance of staying safe online. With the increased use of technology and its constant evolution throughout the population, the promotion of cyber safety awareness has never been more relevant.

This campaign is valuable to the organization and has been well received and supported. For the execution and deployment of this campaign, and with the help of multiple subject matter experts, ECNO’s Provincial Information Security Officer (PISO) developed extensive content surrounding the various topics of cyber safety, making it widely available across the organization’s website, along with digestible video animations that can be shared within boards and classrooms across Ontario.

The organization utilized marketing collateral surrounding four main pillars of cyber awareness to educate audiences across our social media channels and website and supplied all Board IT and Communications Managers with weekly toolkits, in both English and French, that include user friendly copy and catchy, simple graphics for partners to use as they pleased.

ECNO frequently engaged with campaign participants to encourage them to show their support and involvement by utilizing the hashtag #K12CAM2021 on all posts to maintain continuity and widespread awareness. The Ministry’s classroom-friendly cyber awareness calendar was also utilized and shared to promote the concept of cyber awareness all year round.

ECNO received positive feedback from this campaign, celebrating the importance of this initiative and thanking us for our involvement. ECNO is currently surveying boards and participants to solicit feedback to improve and evolve the program for years to come.