Cyber Scams and Phishing

Don’t be a victim of cyber scams and phishing!

A cyber scam is a criminal online activity designed to scam people out of money or personal information.

Most Common Types of Online Scams

  • Phishing and Smishing is a technique to “fish” for usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information, from a “sea” of users – through emails or text messages.
    • Phishing emails and smishing text messages may look like they’re from someone or a company you know or trust.
    • These messages urge you to click a link, open an attachment, call a number or contact an email address.
    • The victim is then tricked into providing their personal information and credentials to other websites or services.
  • Fake apps are apps created by cybercriminals to cause harm to users and their devices. They are designed to resemble legitimate apps but instead monitor your activity, install malware, or steal your personal information.
  • Websites that sell fake products. These sites offer low priced high-demand products that never arrive.
  • Formjacking is another scamming technique when a legitimate retail website is hacked, and shopper

How to avoid scams:

  • Do not open attachments, do not click links and do not respond to suspicious messages – ask questions, consult people you trust, or contact the sender using an alternative communication method
  • Avoid suspicious apps and deny permissions for something the app shouldn’t be doing
  • Always use secure sites (look for the S in https://) when shopping or logging into your accounts online
  • Buy products from known marketers only
  • Do not post personal information on social media

If you think you may be a victim of a scam:

  • Stop all communication with the scammer
  • Seek help from an adult you trust
  • Report the scam to your local police


Report a scam or fraud
Phishing: Don’t get reeled in
Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (1-888-495-8501)