Connected Homes

Staying secure at home

Things, Things, so many Things

Smart homes are increasingly common these days with various Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices – TVs, thermostats, light bulbs, kitchen appliances and even your outlets can be accessed using your smartphone. These amazing devices make it easier for people to be connected and in control of their homes. But having easy access to various devices also makes it easier for hackers to get your personal information. To stay connected and safe, here are a few things to remember.

How smart homes get hacked

  • Unsecure Wi-Fi and routers – Smart homes can be hacked through unsecure Wi-Fi connections and unsecure routers.
  • Devices may have minimal security – Many IoT devices are not designed for updates, making it easier for hackers to access them.
  • Security features are not always enabled by default.

Best ways to secure your IoT devices and your smart homes

  • Connect IoT devices using an ethernet cable, if possible, instead of Wi-Fi – If you are using Wi-Fi, ensure that it is password protected.
  • Change the default name and password on your Wi-Fi connection and router – Default passwords are weak and easy to hack.
  • Think about what IoT devices you need in your home vs. what you want –
  • Consider the risk if any of your devices are hacked. What risk are you willing to accept?
  • Buy trustworthy brands and products – Check product information and reviews online. Ensure devices have security features built-in.
  • Use two-factor authentication, if available – Using two-factor authentication enables additional security. In addition to a username and password, a second method of verification is required, like a code sent to your phone.
  • Keep your devices and apps up-to-date – Install the latest updates on your devices and apps.


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